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How the launch of new products was accelerated by 2.5 times and overall efficiency increased by 400%, while maintaining employee loyalty
How in 2022 the productivity of achieving strategic goals was increased by 345%.
How productivity and goal achievements increased by 400% in 2023

Azbuka Vkusa
13,000 employees

How we accelerated the launch of new products by 2.5 times and increased overall efficiency by 400% while maintaining colleague loyalty

article about working on this project

What was the problem about?

It can now be acknowledged that until recently, the launches of new services at "Azbuka Vkusa" were happening quite slowly. In 2019, we conducted a Time to Market analysis and realized that we needed to transition to more efficient management methods.

According to McKinsey, 70% of all transformations fail. The most common reasons, according to research, are disengaged top management and a lack of preparation and motivation among employees. When it comes to the retail industry, according to another study conducted by PБK, 59% of retailers believe that digital transformation is important or critically important for the survival of their companies, but only about 3% of retail representatives have actually completed digital transformation projects.

Situation Analysis

When I joined the company, "Agile" was just a buzzword for many colleagues, and the word "product" was mostly associated with food on the shelf.

Some advanced teams had tried Scrum and Kanban, but without a systematic approach throughout the entire company, these experiments had little to no impact on overall efficiency. We had started using Jira, but it was challenging to get all departments interested in transitioning to the new system.

My task was to initiate a transformation and, first and foremost, reduce Time to Market. For this, I chose the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology, which allows a progressive and careful scaling of Agile principles across the entire company.

Work Process

The rules for launching a new product are simple: together with all participants of the "change team," from marketers to testers, we need to outline an 8-week work plan to synchronize calendars and backlogs.
This happens during BPI (Business Program Increment) sessions and PI (Program Increment) planning sessions, which are part of the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology. It greatly influences motivation: people can see a real goal and measurable results in the context of the overall company development strategy.

The main objective of PI planning (we conduct these sessions 5 times a year) is to understand what we should focus on right now. Is it crucial for us to create a landing page for the concierge service or launch Click & Collect? Which customer needs are more prioritized, and which activities will generate more business value?

All of this involves flexible methodologies, new budgeting and tracking approaches at the value stream level, enabling us to make informed management decisions. For day-to-day work, we have the daily scrum - status synchronization meetings that last no longer than 15 minutes.
This way, we have moved away from numerous meetings that are typical in a project-oriented approach, where 80% of the meetings are work-related discussions about current tasks, while the world around us may have already changed, and the initial plan no longer aligns with reality. For example, when we were preparing to launch micro-markets, the idea of having refrigerators with our products and food in offices sounded promising. But then the pandemic happened, offices closed, and the product became irrelevant - we had to quickly relocate the micro-markets to residential complexes.
When we mapped the user journey for the Click & Collect project, we realized how many systems and people responsible for those systems you have to go through to make the changes happen. And first, you need to know who those employees are. During the initial face-to-face planning meeting, we got acquainted with 40 people - those who were directly involved in the development of the online store and loyalty program. This improved transparency and collaboration


By transitioning to Agile, we established regular cross-functional teamwork across various business units, from IT to commercial management to logistics, fully synchronizing them both in terms of long-term goals and day-to-day tasks.

As a result, over the past 2 years, we have improved existing products and introduced new ones to the market. The concierge service and Click & Collect, OMC, holiday and farmer platforms, micro-markets, the major relaunch of the "TasteMania" app, and much more — these are all successful examples of Agile-driven services. Currently, we have 17 new initiatives in development.
  • 85% annually
    average achievement of strategic goals
  • 2.5 times
    reduction in Time to Market
  • 400%
    increase in productivity
  • 10%
    improvement in quality
  • 50%
    increase in eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score)

365,000 employees

Progress of Work

In March, Magnit implemented BPI (Business Program Increment) planning at the strategic level. This became the first strategic step in adopting an Agile approach to managing strategic initiatives and team collaboration across the entire company.

As a result, everyone managed to reach an agreement and effectively "package" a large volume of work within eight weeks, establishing the right level of interaction. More than 100 people participated in the first BPI planning session, including representatives from various teams, top and middle management.

Active participation was taken by employees from the Operations department, Format Management for category management, Brand Management, Customer Research divisions, the Investment and Strategic Projects Directorate, and Logistics.

In 2022, the productivity of goal achievement was increased by 345%.

Results in Numbers:

  • 85% per year
    average achievement of strategic goals
  • 345%
    increase in productivity
Recording of Agile Days 2023
Conference (Magnit)

Dixy 26,000 employees

How BPI Solves Key Problems and Takes the Company to the New Level

Problems before implementing BPI:

Before introducing the BPI methodology, Dixy faced several serious challenges that hampered its development and effectiveness:
  • 1
    Lengthy processes of approval and implementation of projects
    Difficulties in quickly making decisions and introducing new business processes slowed down the company's response to changes in the market
  • 2
    Lack of flexibility and slow response to market changes
    Dixy had difficulty adapting to rapidly changing market conditions due to the rigidity of existing processes and structures
  • 3
    Low involvement of teams in each other's projects
    Lack of clear communication and interaction between different project groups reduced synergy and efficiency
  • 4
    Difficulties in change management and lack of cross-team planning
    Problems with change management and lack of integration of planning between different departments led to delays in project implementation and changes in priorities
  • 5
    Frequent lack of resources to implement projects
    Limited resources made it difficult to fully implement plans and achieve goals
  • 6
    Lack of understanding of the company's strategic vision among mid-level employees
    Lack of transparency and understanding of the company's strategic goals among mid-level employees hindered their effective involvement in the implementation of strategic objectives

How BPI solves these problems:

The introduction of the BPI methodology brought solutions to key problems and became the foundation for the transformation of Dixy:
  • Optimization and acceleration of approval and implementation processes
    BPI introduces structured methods for managing projects and business processes, which reduces time frames and increases the efficiency of implementing changes.
    Increased flexibility and quick response to changes
  • Increased flexibility and quick response to changes
    The BPI methodology promotes the creation of flexible processes that easily adapt to changes in the external environment, allowing Dixy to quickly respond to new market challenges
  • Increased engagement and collaboration between teams
    BPI emphasizes teamwork and synergy between different project groups, which contributes to more efficient work and achievement of common goals
  • Improved change management and cross-team planning
    BPI implementation includes change management techniques and integrated planning, which reduces the risk of delays and increases transparency in resource planning
  • Efficient use of resources and management of priorities
    BPI helps Dixy optimize resource allocation and manage project priorities based on their strategic importance and the company's current needs
  • Increased understanding of the strategic vision
    The implementation of BPI is accompanied by training and information campaigns, which improves the understanding of the company's strategic goals among employees, facilitating their more effective involvement and contribution to achieving common goals


  • Flexibility — creating adaptive processes that can quickly respond to changes in the market
  • Transparency — improving transparency in project and business process management
  • Team Engagement — Encouraging active participation and collaboration between different projects groups
  • Customer focus — strengthening the focus on customer needs when developing and implementing new and improved services
  • Strategic planning and management — ensuring a high degree of adaptation to the company’s strategic goals and efficient use of resources
Key business results:
  • 15 strategic projects were implemented in key areas of the company: commerce, HR, IT, product distribution, marketing, loyalty, operations
  • 6% increase in annual turnover due to improved operational efficiency and adaptation to market needs
  • 7% annual growth in NPS (Net Promoter Score) reflecting improved customer satisfaction
  • 7% annual growth in NPS (Net Promoter Score) reflecting improved customer satisfaction


The BPI methodology became the catalyst for Dixy's transformation, allowing the company to successfully solve complex problems and achieve high results. If you are facing similar challenges in your business, implementing BPI may be the solution that will provide you with a competitive advantage and sustainable growth. Join Dixy and many other companies who have already experienced the benefits of BPI!
  • 85%
    achieving strategy goals
  • 4
    times Time to market reduction
  • +36%
    eNPS growth by
Conference recording
Agile Days (Dixy case)

Enterprise Agile Russia Conferences

Recording of Enterprise Agile Russia 2020 Conference
Recording of Enterprise Agile Russia 2021 Conference